Friday the 13th is so wild. It’s like, all these murders keep happening at this camp and they just are like “Maybe next year will be different!! Send your children who survived back!” I wanted to go to sleepaway camp forever when I was a kid. I watched Bug Juice, It Takes Two, Salute Your Shorts and so much more and was desperate to go.
My middle school always went for a weekend once a year in like 6th grade and it was like, a school tradition, but it was for a weekend. I hated that experience because it was with a bunch of people who tortured me but at the end of 8th grade I went to one that I found all on my own after a quick search on good old AOL. I was determined to go because I was going to use it as a fresh start to my life going into high school and my parents said okay ‘cos, well…I had literally tried to kill myself not too far before and they were like “OK LITERALLY ANYTHING YOU WANT” lmao!
Anyway, it was NOT what I expected. I was expecting a Camp Nowhere experience complete with a Andrew Keegan style crush and super soakers galore—instead when we pulled up there was a guy in a tie dye shirt, sitting cross legged on a rock playing guitar.
I was very spoiled and I wanted to go back home but my mom was like “lol no we paid for this and you picked it so see ya in a week kiddo”. On my first night, I broke into the main house after dinner and used one of the only phones on campus to call home. I cried asking to be picked up but it was all to no avail. After one night, a few more kids came and there were 2 in that bunch that I ended up kicking it with and had the best fucking time.
My mom and I laugh about it to this day and call it “Camp Find Yourself” or “Camp Runamuck” and I am glad they made me stuck it out. A few months later I started high school and they were some of the best years of my life and it was right after a summer I’d never forget.
Smash cut to like 20 years later and I don’t wanna go camping, I mean I do but like only in a sexy cabin with wifi and electricity, or just for a moment to have sex in one of those pop up tents and then check into the cute hotel down the road after.
*Substack told me this weeks post is so long that it might cut off in your email so idk i guess for the full experience (lot what?) open in your browser.
What I Watched
Okay, this might be a long list because I haven’t done one of these Friday posts in a few and have been consuming quite a bit of stuff!
Bridgerton - season 2 came out and I wrote about some of my feelings on it for Vogue
The video of these two niggas being niggas and niggaing up the place at the grammys and winning so many damn awards off of BASICALLY ONE GOTDAMN SONG AND AN ALBUM THAT IS LIKE 30 MINUTES LONG LOL COS WTF BUT ALSO WELL DESERVED
Minx - a new HBO show that is…pretty damn good and makes me want to make another zine but Shelli stop you always do so much….but could be funnnnn….
Rothanial - 5 Stars & NO NOTES
What I Re-Watched
Parasite with my girlfriend and they are now part of the hive and also want Ram-don
Insecure - first time doing a full rewatch since the series ended and WOW the amount of growth in the characters is even more significant to me.
What I Listened To
I’m on this weeks episode of The Bechdel Cast which was a pretty big deal for me because I am a huge fan of the show, so to be asked on as a guest was really cool AND I got to talk about one of my favorite movies EMPIRE RECORDS!! (which I have written about in detail many times about how much I love this fucking movie) They actually timed the release with Rex Manning Day, which is today!
I revisited a lot of albums this past week by Black women that hit me hard and felt like they were just for us (because they were). I think Jazmine Sullivan’s win at the Grammys inspired it because damn that acceptance speech…phew & also found a new fav in Orion Sun (who is queer and has a 90s hairstyle that few pplz can pull off)
dirty dancer - Orion Sun
CTRL (Bits of the album) - SZA
Ungodly Hour (Full Album) - Chloe x Halle
Heaux Tales (bits of the album) - Jazmine Sullivan
What I Read
All about the “abolitionist hype house” written by Sean Campbell
What I Ate
Philly Chickens
Bonci Pizza (I got a little sick from it)