This is going to cut off in your email so read it in your browser and tell me who you think is texting Joe in Season 4 of You and why is your answer Beck(s)?
Okay so — it was 2 weeks ago but I’ve been busy resetting and working and relaxing since I got back. So, like I was gonna do a whole wrap-up recap here with lots of notes, lots of reviews, photos of Utah, photos of my looks, and everything else but it got away from me.
So I am gonna do it but in the quick and loose way — LOTSA PICS AND LINKS!
I saw a lot of movies, ALMOST 50 (that almost really does hurt and like Brandy said….it doesn’t count). I reviewed a few over at Autostraddle and the one I LOVED the most was Rye Lane.
I also saw Shortcomings (Nah) Eileen (Certainly Not) Infinity Pool (Mia Goth Fan Club) Past Lives (Greta Lee Fan Club President) The Persian Version (Yup) Theatre Camp (Hell Yes Mocumentary) Fair Play (LOL WOTTICE DIS) Run Rabbit Run (….Maybe) Polite Society (YEESSSSS) Bad Behaviour (Yeah) and on and on and on….
and like lotsa others! Obvs you can find all my thoughts on Letterboxd, and they are slowly coming up on The CherryPicks and Rotten Tomatoes where I am an approved critic (very much leaning into talking my shit more).

Okay, all I know about Utah was Mormons, Big Love, and Sundance. I still don’t know too much but IT IS MAJESTIC. Going up the mountain was gorgeous and just walking around it was mountains everywhere and it was gorgeous!
My Airbnb was great (although she said I had “excessive trash” and left the kitchen messy — mama I was there for 10 days and also bitch no the fuck I did not), the weather was gorgeous and the vibes were great.
The coffee sucked and I only had one yummy meal (that came with an attitude) but yes it was sooooooo pretty!
I was feeling my snowbunny oats and phew I can’t wait for next year!
So I bought about 15 items total to choose from to mix and match outfits. I am keeping to my word of only buying new pieces that I love and that will add to my wardrobe in a dope way. Also, trying to focus on more quality pieces and I have been doing great! It’s very fun to create looks out of my own wardrobe and also recycling looks is a vibe — if its a hit its a hit and it deserves to be seen often.
So I created a new look pretty much every day. I did buy a cute top from this vintage shop across the street from where I was staying (worth it) and my new Docs didn’t get worn as often as I hoped they would (they are REALLY HARD to break in) but I looked perfect and felt great every time I stepped out :)
So yes, I had a literal blast while doing something that was a dream of mine forever. I am living my dream, I knew I was but like wow, what a bit of a sweet reminder that I am phenomenal. I deserve all these dreamy moments — I worked hard man.
So, I got to go to that awesome film festival on the mountain, feel and look gorgeous while doing it, talk to folks I never met WHO KNEW MY WORK, drink shitty coffee with a gorgeous view, and I’ll be doing it all again next year.
Like, I will FOR SURE, be doing it again next year and in an even bigger way — just wait and see pals!
Next up is SXSW but I’ll post again real soon — I promithe….